After selling vintage and used furniture for decades, we have now included new and custom furniture in our repertoire. With all of our experience, we can attest that certain products are better old and others new. We have done the research for our customers to find the best options with the goal of vitality and longevity for a sustainable home. Harrington Galleries strives to improve customer service with our online store and our Every Day Sale where all vintage furniture is 20% off and custom floor models are 10% off!


Reflecting on 50 years of history, gives an incredible vista of time to scrutinize and ponder.  As a child the Mission was always home.  As a first generation daughter, I always gravitated back to the cross cultural and urban utopia created by so many immigrant and first generation families. We had freedom not just to express our own cultural history but also to explore others.  Tolerance and acceptance were the norm and we developed our own culture based on the influences of many.


My parents arrived from Ireland and like many others found an opportunity to develop a business in the turbulent years of the 1960-1970s in the Mission. With the city in the midst of a cultural revolution, Valencia St. at that time was a no mans land and in the center of economic upheaval. Where many San Franciscans feared to tread, families like ours had no fear of hard work and created a new life and and served the community by providing affordable services that were badly needed.


Over the decades we have survived a fire, illness, recessions and multiple dot.com formations.  We yet still stand strong on the corner of Valencia and 17th and continue to do so serving our community with toxin free and affordable home furnishing options.

construction on a building on the corner of a street


One of the best examples of this urban culture of tolerance is the Clarion Alley Mural Project. Artists, neighbors, and friends united to express these ethereal dreams of tolerance and acceptance in an alley that was once polluted with needles and drugs. Almost 25 years later, Clarion Alley is the symbol of the power of cross-cultural community that allows religious, artistic, sexual and cultural expression to breathe. Pictured above is a shot I took of Kenneth Huerta working on one of the original murals in Clarion @ 1994. Today Clarion is full of visitors taking photos and enjoying the urban museum created by an ever evolving community. Check out our site to purchase the Mission Muralismo by Annice Jacobythat explores the history of the murals on The Mission.

man standing on scaffolding


Mission Dolores cemetery is another marker of the cultural identities who built not just the Mission but San Francisco. It is the place where the identities of our streets and neighborhoods monikers can be located like DeHaro and Arguello. The Irish have a significant place holder in the cemetery and many died young soon after arrival in San Francisco after fleeing the devastation of the Famine in Ireland. San Francisco history is layered with waves of immigrants who established the early foundation for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Community Events in The Mission District

a band playing outside outside in a sunny street
a group of people outside gathered on a sunny street corner
a group of people outside gathered on a sunny street corner